Saturday, January 24, 2009

Heather's 1st photo shoot lol.

Yesterday I purchased a Nikon D60 camera that I have been saving for awhile for, and I was really excited to take some pictures! Most people come home and take pictures of their children, but since Sam and I don't have any, her are our dogs! ( They probably listen better than children anyway, and are definitely cuter than some kids as well :)

Before I took these, I had only read the quick start guide, so some of them are a blurry, etc. but I'm sure I will have the camera figured out here pretty soon, and hopefully they will turn out better.

Daisy 3 years old. Chase 1 1/2 years old.

Don't mind the Goldfish bag and Little David's feet in the background. I didn't feel like cropping my pictures today. :)

Chase is so freaken cute. He loves getting his picture taken.

Sam feeding Daisy some of his Goldfish. When the picture is bigger, you can actually see her licking it out of his hand.

Yeah, I still kiss him... Good thing Daisy will not take it out of his mouth, and only licks on command!

My action photos. lol.

Chase jumping over a bush on the way to the park.

This is a really bad picture but the story behind it is funny. We decided to make David crouch down on the ground and see if Chase would jump over him. Well, Chase didn't. Instead, he crashed right into him! It was really funny, I guess you had to be there to appreciate it!


Sawyers Family said...

Those are great pictures! I love the action shots! And when I read the story about little David, I laughed OUT LOUD!! I was in tears when I was telling Kevin, I guess it just hit me really funny!

NaMa & TamPa in Zona said...

Cute!! I laughed right out loud.