Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Weekend in Parker

Here are some pictures of this weekend so far. Sam went with my father and brother to Manzanita, California to rope. I stayed in Parker with my mom who is down visiting. Some highlights of the weekend include ... Sam roping, My Uncle LeRoy became a Deacon in the Baptist Church, I went fishing with my Grandpa, I took my little brothers fishing for tilapia, played cards with the Shontz Family, and had a great time visiting with my family!! Hopefully we will make it to the Openshaws tomorrow! So here are some of the pictures.

My mom and me at the Church Dinner
Tammy & Bryant

Uncle LeRoy with his certificate. Rick Carlson became a Deacon as well.

My grandpa Walt is a crazy picture taker!!! He takes pictures of EVERYTHING~

Here are the pictures of my brothers fishing. We went fishing for tilipia, which is just a bait fish, but they are a guarantee catch... except when your dogs bust out of the truck and into the canal and scare all the fish away!

We then went down a little farther and this is what we got.

The fish are so little! We usually use these fish for bait fish for catfish.

The poles we use are called ugly stick poles. We can't use regular poles because there was a whole bunch of weeds!

The biggest fish was caught by Brayden Trinity.

The Big Fish! They caught 15 fish in all.

Grandmother Wright's Wedding Gift

Sam's grandma makes all her grandchildren quilts when they get married. Here are the pictures of our wedding quilt, which is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! We are so thankful for it and really appreciate all the time and effort that went into making this quilt!

The quilt is laying on the floor and Sam is taking the pictures from our loft.
Close up of the pattern

Picture of the back on the left and the front on the right...

If you look close enough, you can see the edges are crocheted...


Weekend Projects

Here are some of the weekend projects we have been doing over the past month...

I apologize for the picture being so bad, Sam took it!! It is supposed to say Openshaw, just in case you can't read it... We broke a whole bunch of tiles up to make this. It looks better in person! We are going to hang it up on our patio in the back yard.

Backyard is slowly coming along! Here is the sidewalk that Sam is working on. It is big pieces of tiles pushed into cement. He still has to grout it but it looks really really good! I can't wait for our backyard to be finished.

This should have been only a weekend project, but 2 1/2 years later I finally finished it! This is a sampler quilt that I made in a class that Brittany took with me my Junior year of College. Sam hung it up in our hallway and it looks pretty good from far away!( Sam took these pictures too)

I bought some material to do a rag quilt this past week, so hopefully this next one will not take so long.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cinco de Mayo Roping/Branding

Some pictures from the Cinco De Mayo Roping in Parker...
Little David & my Dad.

Sam & Bub.

My Dad and Bub.