For the 4th we went to Mormon Lake, Arizona (near Flagstaff)with my Dad's family to camp and rope. Here are some pictures from weekend.
Sam and "Blackie" waiting to rope. Little David was the only winner in the Page camp. He placed in the number 11 roping.
Notice that all the "action" pictures are of David. I forgot to charge my camera, so it died within the first couple of hours of our camping trip, which left me with no time to take pictures on anyone else. :(. Also, the camera I am using is brand new, and I haven't quite figured out all the settings, so please excuse the picture color and quality.
Here is a picture of my dad and Raphael. Please excuse my Dad's USC hat, he doesn't want to get his good University of Arizona hat wet.
Alex and Tipling watching by the catchpen. They were my carpool buddies up to the roping.
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